Speciality AV access creation and management of AV access related complications. Varicose veins – Endovenous ablations (RFA, Laser, Glue, Foam Scelerotheraphy). Deep vein thrombosis management. Vascular trauma management. Peripheral vascular disease management – Endovascular (Perpheralangiolasty & Stenting) open methods (Femoral Popliteal/ Tibal Bypass, lliac Bypass, Aorto lliac, Aorto Femoral Bypass, Carotid Subclavin Bypass). Aortic Surgeries….
Dr. Saravanan had his formal medical degree from the prestigious Stanley Medical College. After his surgical training from Madurai Medical College, he completed his MCH in Vascular Surgery again from his alma mater Stanley Medical College. He worked as an assistant professor in Sri Ramachandra Medical College for four years. He then set to establish Mount…